Historical Songs

In 1962 a book was published by the Kadavumbagam Synagogue of Ernakulam. It was a collection of centuries old prayer songs in ANCIENT BIBLICAL HEBREW sung on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

It must be noted that several Israeli Rabbis attempted to translate this book, but none were successful in accurately translating it because the language is “too ancient and too biblical, completely unlike modern Hebrew, it is impossible to translate”. This book is so historical that it will soon be transferred to the National Library of Israel, it stands testimony to the centuries old heritage of the Malabari Jews of Cochin.

Here is what Benjamin Z. of Germany and Daniel M. of Israel said of the content:

“The prayer itself is written in a very lyrical way the level of language is very high and poetic.
In summary, the text talks about the greatness of G-d, His overwhelming greatness. There are also parts in which the wish for mercy is highlighted.
Parts say that G-d may hear our voice. The prayer also includes and highlights the importance of the Shofar (ramshorn) in the process of wishing for mercy and making Teshuva.

The interesting thing is that this prayer is unknown to my father (a Rabbi), thus it is not in the Ashkenazi prayer rite.
Maybe this text is entirely individual to your community.”

“What you sent is very beautiful. It is very important. These are poems – some of them are known and printed in siddurs – some of them I have not seen at all, not even in a search on the Internet. It is impossible to translate it – it is piyot – it is like translating a Hebrew prayer into English. Impossible.”

It was preserved by Elias Josephai,

Digitized by Thapan Dubayehudi,

and recited/sung as it was in the original Cochini nigun by Yossi Oren of Moshav Taoz, Israel.

Translation: Days of Might/Awe. Rosh HaShana and Kippur. 1962

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